Happy New Year! Feliz Ano Nuevo to you all!!! If you are reading this, means you made it to the infamous 2010! I wish you and your family a prosperous year!
I dragged myself out of bed after staying up late to witness the dawn of a new era in our lives. I always start the year by writing my New Year Resolutions ...I have sections for Work Resolutions, Relationship Resolutions, Shopping Resolutions and the list goes on!
Since this is a Shopping Blog, I decided to share my shopping resolutions with you all! Remember if you don't write your resolutions, you will not remember them , or even ' KEEP THEM' ...Well, here you go :-
1. Weed out ill-fitting, old and unfashionable items from my current wardrobe to create space for the New.

2. Don't go into debt over clothes

3. Keep impulse buying to a minimum
4. Never shop last minute for an expensive or important garment

5. Every new item bought should fit at least 3 things in the existing wardrobe

6. Do not spend too much on trendy, here today, gone tomorrow fashion
7. Shop investment buys in the best quality you can afford

8. Do not be carried away by the sale tag, if style and colour do not fit; leave it on the store railings
9. Shop designer labels when on sale or at outlets

10. Go window shopping online or in shops ..The last thing you want is buying a black jacket from Zara,then going to Warehouse and they have a better
and cheaper option ..You want to know all that the stores have on offer before parting with your hard earned cash.
Let's pray i keep it !..Some have on their list, No shopping or less shopping this year..Let's be real ..We can't keep that; but we can at least do it wisely ...Enjoy the New Year, if you have to shop ...Shop Fab only !
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